Happy Customers



Experience the benefits of a fully managed cloud service that encompasses all the out-of-the-box features of RESTHeart and MongoDB, including Authentication, Authorization, and the powerful Data API.


  • Developer
    Targeted to developers and small organizations
  • Shared
    The optimum size for most applications
  • Dedicated
    Higher throughput, more storage and the top security level
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RESTHeart Cloud offers transparent pricing that includes all AWS and MongoDB Atlas costs.


  • Pay as you go
  • Secure
  • High Availabile
  • Runs on AWS and MongoDB Atlas
  • Available on all regions
  • Deploy your plugins
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Unlock the full potential of RESTHeart by acquiring license keys that grant you the freedom to run it in a production environment, surpassing the limitations of the Open Source license. Experience the benefits of an unrestricted and customized support, tailored to meet your specific production requirements.


  • Commercial license
    One license key per production instance
  • OEM license
    Embed RESTHeart in your product or service
  • Custom terms
    When you need custom license and support terms
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  • Business friendly license
  • Pay as you go on yearly basis
  • Perpetual license option
  • Unlimited instances option
  • Dev instances don't count
  • IP warranties

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If you've got any questions or want to know more about our commercial options, just fill out the form below:

We strictly use your data solely for addressing your specific request, and we will never distribute any personal data to third parties.

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