
RESTHeart Cloud

RESTHeart Cloud is a cloud-based service that offers you the necessary infrastructure to host and manage your RESTHeart applications.

"Focus on your business, not on your infrastructure."

Contact Us

RESTHeart Cloud is impeccably managed by the core development team, ensuring unparalleled performance and expertise.

Top-notch Cloud Solution

RESTHeart Cloud is powered by AWS and MongoDB Atlas, benefiting from SoftInstigate's extensive expertise gained through numerous real-world projects.

SoftInstigate: The Company behind RESTHeart

SoftInstigate, an ISV Partner of MongoDB, is the driving force behind RESTHeart and the provider of this cloud service.

Ready-to-Use Features

RESTHeart Cloud provides you with all the ready-to-use features of RESTHeart, including:

  • JWT, Basic, and Digest Authentication.
  • Powerfull Declariative Authorization.
  • An excellent Data API with REST, GraphQL, and WebSocket support for MongoDB.

Deploy and run your RESTHeart plugins:

  • Services to facilitate the implementation of web services.
  • Interceptors for monitoring and modifying requests at different stages of the request life cycle.
  • Initializers for executing custom logic and scheduling recurring tasks during service startup.

Flexible Plans

RESTHeart Cloud offers plans suitable for the majority of small to medium-sized applications.

Additionally, custom plans are available, allowing for a tailored infrastructure to meet specific requirements. Please Contact Us for more information.
Plan name RESTHeart instance MongoDB instance Database storage
Cloud Developer 0,5 GB RAM, 0,5 vCPU Shared 512 Mb
Cloud Standard 0,5 GB RAM, 0,5 vCPU Shared 5 GB
Cloud Plus 1 GB RAM, 1vCPU
Dedicated 10 GB


RESTHeart Cloud adheres to industry-leading security practices to ensure the highest level of data protection and user privacy.
RESTHeart instance Database instance
Network Isolation RESTHeart instances are deployed in a unique Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Access is granted to an HTTP load balancer only. Instances are not directly accessible from the public Internet. Databases are deployed in a unique Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with dedicated firewalls. Access is granted by VPC Peering. The database is not directly accessible from the public Internet.
Role-based access management RESTHeart provides Authentication and Authorization services. It can handle different authentication and authorization schemes, including handling users and permissions stored in MongoDB collections. role-based access rules to control which users can access, manipulate, and delete data in your databases.
End-to-end encryption All network traffic is encrypted via HTTPS protocol, using Transport layer Security (TLS). All network traffic is encrypted using Transport layer Security (TLS). Encryption for data at rest is automated using encrypted storage volumes.